Handing over the new safety wall to Ullala school

Johnson Matthey PLC (London) is one of the main benefactors of the children supported by UKFG.  Immediately after the Tsunami, the company offered 30 scholarships to  Tsunami victim children.  They have continuously sponsored the same number of children over the last thirteen years. Neil Carson, the CEO at Johnson Matthey until 2015, has already generously donated two brand new libraries and thousand new books to Ullala  Maha Vidayalaya and Rathanpala Maha Vidayalaya at Kamburupitiya.













On the of 3rd November 2015 Ellie Davison Ellie Davison (Group Charity and Communications Manager at JM) -visited Thumbe , Ratanapala and Ulllal schools.  Having seeing the dangerous state of the Ullala school compound and heard that some children and teachers had injured themselves by slipping down the broken pavement , Ellie pledged to fund a new safety wall.  On return to Uk, Ellie had discussed the need of the three schools with the company and they have generously agreed to fund a building project to build a new wall for Ullala school and a new library for Thumbe school.

On 30th June 2017 Saman Deshapriya., The   Director of Education for Kamburupitiya  ceremoniously cut the ribbon and  handed over the brand new safety wall built with the funds of Johnson Matthey.  Neil and Helen Carson and their daughter Hannah  had  sent a generous donation  to reward the bright  pupils of the school as well as to help children who had been badly affected by recent floods .

At the opening ceremony, on behalf of the Carson family , Mr Gamage presented top 3 bright children in each class with a valuable bundle of stationery and  hamper and financial aid to flood victims .

In his speech. Mr  Deshapriya thanked Ellie Davison  and Melanie brown new communication Manager at  Johnson Matthey and Neil Carson family for the continuous support they give to children at Kamburupitiya schools.  In his speech Mr Gamage explained to the new children the history of Ullala School and how hard late Mr D C Hewavidana had to fight the local opposition to build Ullala school at his own expense 71 years ago.    . He expressed his gratitude  to Johnson Matthey, Carson family and Hewavidana family for the continuous support and the vast amount of donations they had made to the school since 2003. The school Principal and the Head Prefect made speeches thanking the donors and explained how much difference these funds have made to Ullala children’s future.  In a colourful ceremony,  school children sang traditional songs and performed cultural dances in honour of the VIP guests.

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