Kamburupitiya , Srilanka
On 12th January 2012, Nicky Pharoah and Colin Newbold (Owners of The Learning Curve limited, Tunbridge Wells, UK) were the chief guests at the ceremonious opening of Carson library at Ratanapala School, Kamburupitiya in Srilanka.
This much needed library was built by Mr Neil Carson, Chief Exec of Johnson Matthey in the UK Neil, his wife Helen, children Phil, Peter and Hannah who visited Srilanka in August 2011 were the guests of UKFG’s annual tea party in Galle. Having spoken to many children Johnson Matthey sponsored at the party, the family became very impressed with the work UKFG did and the benefit his company’s scholarships has brought to children. On their return to UK, My Carson contacted Devsiri and offered £6500 of family funds to built a library in a rural school. Ratanapala school became the lucky recipients of his generosity.

The Carson library , the biggest school library is a testament to the remarkable ability of UKFG Srilanka chairman (Devsiri’s father-in-law) Mr Sirisena Gamage, better known as Mr G. Nobody could belive that this library was built in just 5 weeks . Devsiri elder son Deshan Hewavidana,17 and his school friends raised well over £300 by selling UKFG T-shirts and bought books for the Carson library. After Nicky Pharoah and Dinum Hewavidana, 8, ceremoniously cut the ribbon and opened the library on behalf of carson family. Mr Colin Newbold then donated all the new books to children on behalf of Deshan and friends. Three hours of beautiful singsongs and colorful dances and speeches by VIPs took place after the opening
Please see more details on Colin Newbold’s blog: www.tlcglobal.co/blog
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