Wathawana Junior school in Wathawana, Imaduwa, is a small school where almost all children attending are underprivileged. The school does not even have basic facilities like a library or running water . One of the school buildings are in dilapidated state and the roof leaks rain water. Yet thanks to the new principal, Mr Kumudu Sanjeewa and his dedicated teaching staff , the children are doing very well with their education . Not only the children in Wathawana village , parents from the villages three four miles away sends their offspring to this school because of its reputation for good exam results.
At the 2017 Grade 5 Scholarship examination one of their pupils have obtained 181 marks and has been qualified to enter Southlandd College, Galle for secondary education . Deshan and Dinum Hewavidana visited the school in July 2015 and met with staff and children. Dinum entertained them with singing whilst Deshan enquired what facilities and equipment the school would like
මෙම පාසලට පරිඝනකයක් ලැබුනහොත් එය සිසුනට ඉතා ප්රයෝජනවත් වනවා පමණක් නොව ලබන වසරේ තවත් සිසුන් කිහිප දෙනෙකුටත් ශිෂ්යත්ව විභාගය ඉහලින් සමත්වීමට හැකිවනු ඇති බව ගුරු මණ්ඩලය දේශාන්ට පැවසිය. . එංගලන්තයේ දානපතිවරයකුගෙන් මුදල් ලබාගෙන පාසලට නවීන පරිගණයක් තෑගි කරන බවට පොරොන්දුවූ දේශාන් හා දිනුම් සොයුරන් එදිනම පාසලේ දක්ෂතම සිසුන් තිදෙනාට වාර්ෂික ශිෂ්යත්ව ප්රදානය කළෝය
On 11 the October 2017 the school children were delighted to receive their first ever computer and the printer, a generous gift by Mr Neil, Mrs Helen Carson and their daughter Hannah . ඔක්තෝබර් මාසයේ ලංකාවට පැමිණි දෙව්සිරි හේවාවිදාන මහතා කාසන් පවුල විසින් පරිත්යාග කරන ලද පරිඝනකය හා තම මුදලින් මිලදී ගත් ප්රින්ටර් යන්ත්රය උත්සවාකාරයෙන් වතවන පාසලේ දරුවන් වෙත පිරිනමන ලදී. In his acceptance speech, the school principal, Mr Sanjeewa has expressed their utmost gratitude to Carson family for the gift . He also thanked Hewavidana family for all the help they have given to his school in the past . During the PC handover ceremony, little children entertained the guests with sing songs and cultural dances. UKFG would continue to help Wathawana school in the future too in the hope that many more children would pass the grade 5 Scholarship examination
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