Normally a generous individual or a family would approach us and say they would like to sponsor a boy or girl at a certain age. Some want to sponsor a child or a few children at the same age as their own so they could be pen pals.  Some friends just ask us to chose a needy child ourselves and they would sponsor him or her throughout the schooling.  Depending on the age of the child, sponsorship could be for a few years, five years or seven years.

We do not encourage anybody to sponsor a child just for one year because at the end of the year, the child would be heartbroken with no support to continue with his studies, also during the current recession it would be difficult for us to find another sponsor for him after a year.

Some of our friends who had started sponsoring a child when they were at school are now more than happy to continue their funding throughout their university education. In fact we have six very poor medical students supported by such friends.

Occasionally, somebody contacts us saying that they don’t want a long term commitment but prefer to sponsor a child just for a year. In such cases, we find a bright child who is struggling in his A/l year because of financial problems at home. With this one-year sponsorship he would be able to study hard for A/L and get good results. One such child we have helped last year has got 4 A grades last month and have been selected for the University.

I am sorry to say that a few of our sponsors who had committed to long term sponsorships have dropped out half way through due to the recession.  We have put those children back on our waiting list currently numbering about 30.  Once a would be sponsor tells us the age of a child they prefer to sponsor we go through our waiting list to find a “match” for them. If we were asked to choose any child we would select the one who has been waiting longest.

The children on our waiting list have already filled in the applications so we know their circumstances and tragic stories. However, if they have been waiting for more than 6 months, we would ask them to fill a fresh application and get it signed by the school principal . This way we know they are genuinely poor and bright children that need help.  We send all this information to the would be sponsor and if he is happy, he then sends us £170 (70000 Srilankan Rupees) which covers  one year sponsorship at 5000 Rupees a month plus 10,000 Rs for surprise birthday gifts for the child.

We get the child’s guardian to open a savings account with Seylan Bank Kamburupitiya. Once the account is opened, we would credit 5000 rupees a month to his/her account.  We also buy them a birthday present and a card with the money.  For a girl, it could be a brand new dress and a pair of shoes she could only dream of.

We do not impose any conditions, except asking children to write to the sponsor at least once a school term. Sponsors or their children could write direct to the child and the family, but we advise them not to put their address on. Otherwise, in some cases, you would be inundated with begging letters from the family and also from the neighbours. It is always advisable to receive children’s replies via UKFG.  Some would write in English, but for others, our two admin assistants would translate the letters and send the original and the translation to the sponsor.

Once the sponsor’s money is due for the second year we would send the benefactor a reminder.

Occasionally, we get to hear that a child has stopped going to school or have been given a grant by the government or another has given him a grant.  In such situations, we would inform the sponsor and stop the scholarship. We would find a new child from our waiting list for the sponsor.

You have other ways helping children. Many children go to school bare foot or in slippers because their parents cannot afford to buy shoes for them. When well-to-do class mates come to school in smart uniforms and polished shoes these children feel inadequate, isolated and sad.  We buy brand new pairs of shoes for such  children who have never been able to buy one before.  We buy school equipment and books.  Since Galle Tsunami children are well looked after now, we have moved in to rural Srilanka where poverty is unbelievable. Now our mission is to help the village schools that are under the constant threat of closure. Thanks to generosity of  wonderful UKFG members  like Nicky Pharoah- Colin Newbold, Neil Carson (Chief Executive  at Johnson Matthey) , Sam Connelly (Australia) and Alan Hutchison (London) , Arthur & Emily Gajewski (Sussex) who has donated £6000 or more each we have so far built five  different libraries and donated then to school with books. These library has become the life line of the school and also revitalised the local community. We hope some of you would donate similar sums to us to build more libraries and help village communities to thrive. Thanks to Carson family’s generosity we  have been able to build five badminton courts and a brand New swimming pool at a cost of £35,000

Over the last few years, more than a dozen of our sponsors have taken their annual holidays in Srilanka and met the children they sponsor and participated in our annual get together in August. They all have told us that Srilanka was a beautiful country and they have thoroughly enjoyed their trip. Valerie Chittenden has visited the country 4 times and Gill Budd twice.

Who knows, next summer you could be going there

Please help us to give a better future to Srilankan children

Thank you

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